What We Do


SENDD provides technical assistance and program management services to member communities, counties, and organizations to help address a variety of affordable housing needs, including housing market studies, new construction programs, rental housing, housing rehabilitation programs, mortgage and home rehabilitation loan programs, and down payment assistance programs, among others. Staff are trained to provide project and grant development assistance, guidance in budgeting, and overall management of affordable housing programs.

  • Grant Writing and Administration
    SENDD’s housing team is dedicated to assisting member communities with preparation of grant applications, as well as management services of awarded grants relating to the following activities.
  • Member communities with preparation of grants relating to the following activities – Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation, Purchase Rehab Resale, Down Payment Assistance, or New Construction. We also offer administration assistance for awarded grants. Visit SENDD’s comprehensive guide for a list of housing resources available to communities and developers.
  • Housing Inspection Services
    SENDD’s licensed housing staff offer the following inspections – Lead-Based Paint Inspection and Risk Assessments, Asbestos Testing and Inspection Services, Housing Quality Standards Inspection, and Residential Roof Inspections.
  • General Contracting Services
    SENDD Contracting provides complete project management services while working with local & regional subcontractors. For more information, visit SENDD Contracting’s page.
  • USDA Loan Packaging
    SENDD has four certified loan packagers on staff who can assist qualified borrowers with applying for a USDA 502 or USDA 504 loan.
  • Housing Market Studies
    Many communities and counties throughout the SENDD region have taken a proactive approach to implementing housing solutions by first commissioning a housing study. These documents are crucial to housing project development/successful grant applications. We encourage all member communities to maintain a current housing study. Please contact us if your community is interested in creating or updating a housing study. Some funding may be available to assist with the creation of the study. Housing studies are available on request.
Director of Housing Services - Southeast Nebraska Development District

Jim Warrelmann

Director of Housing Services

Housing Coordinator - Southeast Nebraska Development District

Ryan Bauman

Housing Coordinator

Housing Specialist - Southeast Nebraska Development District

Nichole Jones

Housing Specialist

Housing Specialist - Southeast Nebraska Development District

Cole Hartgerink

Housing Specialist

Housing Inspector - Southeast Nebraska Development District

Brent Pendgraft

Housing Inspector

Housing Development Specialist - Southeast Nebraska Development District

Ashley Larsen

Housing Development Specialist

    Contact us